Gonçalo Neves Cruz

Project Visão


Brand campaign

Welcome to the presentation page of the Springkode – Visão Campaign, a remarkable project that embodies the essence of sustainability and creative storytelling. This campaign, developed in collaboration with the fashion designer Katia Xiomara, showcases Springkode’s commitment to being sustainable through a captivating capsule collection.

Gonçalo Cruz

Script writter

Filipe Almeida

Script writter
Assistant Editor

Katty Xiomara


Filipe Mota

Camera Operator

Carla Oliveira

BTS Photography

Like what you see?


A look behind the scenes of
the Visão Project

At the heart of the Visão Campaign lies a unique concept that goes beyond traditional fashion campaigns. We crafted a narrative that gave a voice to the model, transforming her role from a mere visual representation to a storyteller. Through her narration, we brought to life what made this shoot extraordinary, engaging the audience on a deeper level and reinforcing the message of sustainability.

There probably won’t be
amazing quotes to put on a
bigger scale, but in case they
exist there’s a space for them

Throughout the project, we encountered unexpected challenges that put our adaptability and problem-solving skills to the test. One memorable incident occurred during the shooting tests when a stunning location near a cave had to be abruptly closed by the authorities due to safety concerns. Despite this setback, we quickly adjusted our plans and found alternative solutions to ensure the success of the campaign. This experience exemplifies our ability to overcome obstacles and deliver exceptional results.

The Springkode – Visão Campaign holds immense significance as it represents our dedication to supporting sustainable businesses. It served as a powerful platform to communicate Springkode’s commitment to sustainability and was released just before their acquisition by PlatformE. This campaign stands as a testament to their vision and has become a lasting milestone in their journey.

The Springkode – Visão Campaign showcases our expertise in developing captivating campaigns that combine sustainability and storytelling. Through our innovative concept, ability to adapt to challenges, and commitment to promoting sustainable fashion, we delivered a visually compelling and impactful campaign. We invite you to explore this project and witness the power of creative storytelling in driving meaningful change.

Thank you for checking this project. Stay tuned for more exciting projects that exemplify our passion for sustainable business and exceptional creativity.

Ready to tell your story?

Share your narrative and let’s craft a captivating tale that
resonates and inspires. Ready to create a connection that
transcends boundaries?